Custom Cape Resource Pack for Minecraft PE (60+ Capes)
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How many of ourself have wished for a cloak but have a modest smartphone and can’t apply one the normal way, or if you’re a regular Windows user and are tired of downloading malicious content and going through your computer just to apply a cloak, today I’ll be giving you a new kit containing over fifty and more cloaks, one of which you might appreciate.
The cloaks are also compatible with the Animated Wings version 2 package. Basically said, make sure the cloak package is behind the wings.
This one is a personal fave. A cloak that may be worn on the moon is known as a Lunar cloak. Developed on the Java version of MCPE’s Lunar application.
Captured at Minecon 11 during the Mine event.
The well-known Optifine Cloak from the Optifine playing ability addon for Minecraft Java Version.
Developed on Galaxite Cloak, a completely fresh bundled client.
Cloak built on one of the banner designs for PvP.
Because there are more than fifty cloaks in this compilation, it was impossible to put ‘em altogether.
Go to the global resources, select the custom cloak package, click the settings icon, and move the slider to the texture which most suits your needs. You’ll must to run the game after that to see the chosen cloak.
The package also includes Animated Wings version 2 support, complete server compatibility, and the ability to show them solely on your player, not on everyone else’s. Due to a lack of attribution, the java cloak animation has been deleted from the bundle.
Support for Animated Wings version 2 is also included, as well as full server support and the opportunity to demonstrate ‘em only on your player, not on everyone else’s.
The java cloak effect has really been removed from the package due to a lack of credit.

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